Self stress test

Do you suffer from stress?

  • Self stress test

    Modern people are under a lot of stress.

    When you're under a lot of stress, you may feel depressed.

    Find out what my stress level is through self-diagnosis.

    5,671 people enjoyed it!

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    • #Stress
    • #Souls
    • #Symptoms
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    • #The blues
    • #Depression
    • #Personality test
  • How many times have you experienced a feeling of nervousness and stress?
  • How often did you feel that you were in the best condition?
  • How often have you experienced the feeling that too many difficult things have piled up and are unlikely to be overcome?
  • How much have you experienced the feeling that everyday things are going as you think?
  • How often did you manage the annoyance of your daily life?
  • How often have you felt confident in dealing with your personal problems?
  • How many times have you thought you couldn't handle what you had to do?
  • How much have you experienced that you can't control important things in your life?
  • How many times have you been angry about something you can't control?
  • How many times have you been embarrassed by something unexpected?
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